L9805E Super smart power motor driver with 8-Bit MCU, RAM, EEPROM, ADC, WDG, Timers, PWM and H-bridge driver
The L9805 is a Super Smart Power device suited to drive resistive and inductive loads under software control. It includes a ST7 microcontroller and some peripherals. The microcontroller can execute the software contained in the program EPROM/ROM and drive, through dedicated registers, the power bridge.
The internal voltage regulators rated to the automotive environment, PWM modules, CAN transceiver and controller, ISO 9141 transceiver, timers, temperature sensor and the AtoD converter allow the device to realize by itself a complete application, in line with the most common mechatronic requirements.
Key Features
- 6.4-18V Supply Operating Range
- 16 MHz Maximum Oscillator Frequency
- 8 MHz Maximum Internal Clock Frequency
- Oscillator Supervisor
- Fully Static operation
- -40˚C to + 150˚C Temperature Range
- User EPROM/OTP: 16 Kbytes
- Data RAM: 256 bytes
- Data EEPROM: 128 bytes
- 64 pin HiQUAD64 package
- 10 multifunctional bidirectional I/O lines
- Two 16-bit Timers, each featuring:
2 Input Captures 2 Output Compares External Clock input (on Timer 1) PWM and Pulse Generator modes - Two Programmable 16-bit PWM generator modules.
- CAN peripheral including Bus line interface according 2A/B passive specifications
- 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter
- Software Watchdog for system integrity
- Master Reset, Power-On Reset, Low Voltage Reset
- 70mΩ DMOS H-bridge.
- 8-bit Data Manipulation
- 63 basic Instructions and 17 main Addressing Modes
- 8 x 8 Unsigned Multiply Instruction
- True Bit Manipulation
- Complete Development Support on DOS/WINDOWSTM™ Real-Time Emulator
- Full Software Package on DOS/WINDOWSTM™ (C-Compiler, Cross-Assembler, Debugger)
ISO9141 Motor Bridge ControllerActive
Control circuit for power MOS bridge driver in automotive applications with ISO 9141bus interface.
Key Features
Circuit Diagram
Motor bridge ControllerActive
Control circuit for power MOS bridge driver in automotive applications with ISO 9141bus interface.
Key Features
Circuit Diagram
Dual Full BridgeActive
The L9930 is a dual full-bridge. The output stages are Power Mos switches
Key Features
- RDS ON = 2
Circuit Diagram
Two-Phase Stepper Motor DriverActive
The L9935 is a two-phase stepper motor driver circuit suited to drive bipolar stepper motors.
The device can be controlled by a serial interface (SPI). All protections required to design a well protected system (short-circuit, over temperature, cross conduction etc.) are integrated
Key Features
- 2 x 1.1 A full bridge outputs
- Integrated chopping current regulation
- Minimized power dissipation during flyback
- Output stages with controlled output voltage slopes to reduce electromagnetic radiation
- Short-circuit protection of all outputs
- Error-flag for over load, open load and over temperature pre alarm
- Delayed channel switch on to reduce peak currents
- Max. operating supply voltage 24 V
- Standby consumption typically 40 μA
- Serial interface (SPI)
Circuit Diagram
Stepper Motor Driver for Bipolar Motors with microstepping & programmable current profileActive
The L9942 is an integrated stepper motor driver for bipolar stepper motors with microstepping and programmable current profile look-up-table to allow a flexible adaptation of the stepper motor characteristics and intended operating conditions. It is possible to use different current profiles depending on target criteria: audible noise, vibrations, rotation speed or torque. The decay mode used in PWM-current control circuit can be programmed to slow-, fast-, mixed-and auto-decay. In auto decay mode device will use slow decay mode if the current for the next step will increase and the fast decay or mixed decay mode if the current will decrease. The programmable stall detection is useful in case of head lamp leveling and bending light application, by preventing to run the motor too long time in stall for position alignment. If a stall is detected, the alignment process is closed and the noise is minimized.
Key Features
- Two full bridges for max. 1.3 A load(RDSON= 500 mΩ)
- Programmable current waveform with look-up table: 9 entries with 5 bit resolution
- Current regulation by integrated PWM controller and internal current sensing
- Programmable stepping mode: full, half, mini and microstepping
- Programmable slew rate for EMC and power dissipation optimization
- Programmable Fast-, Slow-, Mixed- and Auto-Decay Mode
- Full-scale current programmable with 3 bit resolution
- Programmable stall detection
- Step clock input for reduced μController requirements
- Very low current consumption in standby mode IS< 3 μA, typ. Tj≤ 85 °C
- All outputs short circuit protected with openload, overload current, temperature warning and thermal shutdown
- The PWM signal of the internal PWM controller is available as digital output.
- All parameters are guaranteed for 3 V < Vcc < 5.3 V and for 7 V < Vs < 20 V
Circuit Diagram
SPI Controlled H-BridgeActive
The L9958 is an SPI controlled H-Bridge, designed for the control of DC and stepper motors in safety critical applications and under extreme environmental conditions.
The H-Bridge is protected against over temperature, short circuits and has an undervoltage lockout for all the supply voltages Vsand Vdd, and for overvoltage on Vdd. All malfunctions cause the output stages to go tristate.
Detailed failure diagnostics on each channel is provided via SPI: short circuit to battery, short circuit to ground, short circuit overload, over temperature.
Open-load can be detected in ON condition, for the widest application ranges. Current regulation threshold can be set by SPI from 2.5 A to 8.6 A (Typ.), in 4 steps. Guaranteed accuracy is ±10 % on all temp range, using an external reference resistor with 1% accuracy over all temp range.
Current limitation threshold is linearly reduced by temperature over 165 °C.and a thermal warning bit is set by SPI. The H-Bridge contains integrated free-wheel diodes. In case of free-wheeling condition, the low side transistor is switched on in parallel of its diode to reduce power dissipation.
A multiple wire bonding technique, as well as ST proprietary package design is making L9958 compatible with three power packages, for maximum flexibility:
PowerSO-20 package (medium power, JEDEC standard MO166);PowerSO16 package (medium power, lower cost);PowerSSO24 package (low power, very low cost JEDEC standard MO271A).
Key Features
- Programmable current regulation peak threshold by SPI up to 8.6 A typ.
- Operating battery supply voltage 4.0 V to 28 V
- Operating Vdd supply voltage 4.5 V to 5.5 V
- All pins withstand 19 V, Vs and output pins withstand 40 V
- Full path Ronfrom 100 mΩ (at Tj = -40 °C) to 300 mΩ (at Tj=150 °C)
- Logic inputs TTL/CMOS-compatible
- Operating frequency up to 20 kHz
- 16-bit SPI interface for configuration/diagnostics, daisy chain capability
- Over temperature and short circuit protection
- VSundervoltage disable function
- Vddundervoltage and overvoltage protection
- Vddovervoltage detection
- Open-load detection in ON condition
- Full diagnostics in OFF state
- Enable and disable input
- Low stand by current (<10 μA)
- Voltage and current slew-rate control for low EMI, programmable through SPI
- Available in three power packages
Circuit Diagram
Dual DC motor driverActive
L9959S and L9959T are a single and dual integrated H-bridges for resistive and inductive loads featuring output current direction and supervising functions.
The PowerSSO24 houses one full H-Bridge, while the PowerSSO36 houses two H-Bridges that can work in parallel, through independent input driving commands.
Target application ranges from throttle control actuators to exhaust gas recirculation control valves in automotive domain to a more general use to drive DC and Stepper motors.
Key Features
- Full path RDSONless than 540 mΩ
- Continuous load current > 3 A
- Operating battery supply voltage 5 V to 28 V
- Operating VDD supply voltage 4.5 V to 5.5 V
- All ECU internal pins can withstand up to 18 V
- Output switching frequency up to 11 kHz
- Monitoring of VDD supply voltage
- SPI programmable output current limitation from 5 A to 8.6 A (in 3 steps)
- Over temperature and short circuit protection
- Full diagnosis capability
- Fast switch-off open-drain input/output
- Current-monitoring with current feedback output signal CF
- SPI-interface for configuration and diagnosis
- Error history in second diagnosis register
- Two independent enable pins: "/ABE" and "DIS"
- Control of power stages by SPI or two input signals, PWM and DIR (configurable via SPI)
- Logic levels 5 V compatible
- Conformity to improved EMC requirements due to smart H-bridge switching
Dual Half Bridge DriverActive
The L9997ND is a monolithic integrated driver, in BCD technology intended to drive various loads,including DC motors. The circuit is optimized for automotive electronics environmental conditions.
Key Features
Circuit Diagram
Brushless/Sensorless 3-phase motor pre-driver for automotive applicationsActive
The L99ASC03 is a multifunctional system IC designed for three-phase motor control applications.
The device features a voltage regulator to supply an external microcontroller and an operation amplifier for motor current sensing. It is designed to control six externalN-channel MOSFETs in bridge configuration to drive three-phase motors in automotive applications. All gate driver outputs are controlled by separate inputs.
The integrated Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) makes it possible to adjust device parameters, control all operating modes and read out diagnostic information.
Key Features
- Automotive qualified
- 5 V low-drop voltage regulator (200 mA continuous mode)
- Very low current consumption in standby mode (typ. 15 μA)
- ST SPI interface for control and diagnostics
- Window watchdog and fail-safe functionality
- Two separate power supply pins
- Three half-bridge drivers to control external MOSFETs (configurable by SPI)
- Full drive of external MOSFETs down to 6 V input voltage
- Input pin for each gate driver (with cross-current protection)
- Two-stage charge pump supporting 100% duty cycle
- PWM operation up to 80 kHz (not restricted)
- Current-sense amplifier (configurable by SPI)
- Disable input to turn off gate driver outputs
- Analog multiplexer output to monitor external power supply voltages and internal junction temperature
- Advanced BEMF detection IP
- Overcurrent protection (programmable)
- Drain-source monitoring and open-load detection
- TQFP48 7 x 7 x 1 mm with Exposed Pad (4.5 x 4.5 mm) package
Motor bridge driver for automotive applicationsActive
The L99H01 is designed to control 4 external N-channel MOS transistors in bridge configuration for DC-motor driving in automotive applications. A free configurable current sense amplifier is integrated. The integrated standard serial peripheral interface (SPI) controls all outputs and provides diagnostic information. An interface pin for the thermal sensors of the external MOSFETs is implemented.
Key Features
- Operating supply voltage 6 V to 28 V
- Central 2 stage charge pump
- 100% duty cycle
- Full RDSon down to 6 V (normal level MOSFETs)
- Control of reverse battery protection MOSFET
- Charge pump current limited
- PWM operation up to 30 kHz
- SPI interface
- Current sense amplifier / free configurable
- Zero adjust for end of line trimming
- Power management: programmable free wheeling
- Sensing circuitry of external MOSFETs with embedded thermal sensors
Circuit Diagram
Standard Functions, Motor DriversActive
The L99MD01 is an octal half-bridge driver for automotive applications.
The device is intended to drive DC and/or stepper motors. Using the boost converter it’s possible to drive 4 stepper motors simultaneously. Without boost converter the system is able to run 3 stepper motors in sequential mode or 2 stepper motors simultaneously. The octal half bridge configuration allows also to drive 4 DC-motors simultaneously and 7 DC-motors sequentially.
The integrated 24 bit standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controls all outputs and provides diagnostic information: normal operation, open-load in on-state, overcurrent, temperature warning and overtemperature.
Key Features
- 8 half bridges
- RON = typ. 0.9 Ω (HS), 0.64 Ω (LS) @ Tj= 25 °C
- Current limit of each output at min. 0.8 A
- Intrinsic DC/DC step up converter driving an external MOSFET
- PWM mode option for all half bridges for hold current
- Internal PWM generation
- Two current monitor outputs
- SPI interface for data communication
- Temperature warning
- All outputs over temperature protected
- All outputs short circuit protected
- VCC supply voltage 3.0 to 5.3 V
- Very low current consumption in standby mode typ. 5 μA
- VS operating range compliant: 6 V – 18 V
Standard Functions, Motor DriversActive
The L99MD02 IC is a 6 x half bridge driver for automotive applications. The device is intended to drive DC-motors. It is possible to drive 3 DC-motors simultaneously or up to 5 DC-motors sequentially.
The integrated 24 bit standard serial peripheral interface (SPI) controls all outputs and provides diagnostic information: normal operation, open-load in on-state, overcurrent, temperature warning and overtemperature.
Key Features
- 6 half bridges
- RON= typ.0.9 Ω (HS), 0.64 Ω (LS) at Tj= 25 °C
- Current limit of each output at minimum 0.8 A
- Internal PWM generation
- PWM mode option for all half bridges for hold current
- Two current monitor outputs
- SPI interface for data communication
- Temperature warning
- All outputs over temperature protected
- All outputs short circuit protected
- VCC supply voltage 3.0 to 5.3 V
- Very low current consumption in standby mode typ. 5 μA
- VS operating range compliant: 6 – 18 V
Quad smart power solid state relay for complete H-bridge configurationsActive
The VN5770AKP-E is a device formed by three monolithic chips housed in a standard SO-28 package: a double high-side and two low-side switches. The double high-side is made using STMicroelectronics®VIPower®M0-5 technology, while the low-side switches are fully protected VIPower M0-3 OMNIFET II. This device is suitable to drive a DC motor in a bridge configuration as well as to be used as a quad switch for any low voltage application.
The dual high-side switches integrate built in non latching thermal shutdown with thermal hysteresis. An output current limiter protects the device in overload condition. In case of long overload duration, the device limits the dissipated power to a safe level up to thermal shutdown intervention. An analog current sense pin delivers a current proportional to the load current (according to a known ratio) and indicates overtemperature shutdown of the relevant high-side switch through a voltage flag.
The low-side switches have built in non latching thermal shutdown with thermal hysteresis, linear current limitation and overvoltage clamping.
Fault feedback for overtemperature shutdown of the low-side switch is indicated by the relevant input pin current consumption going up to the fault sink current flag.
Key Features
- ECOPACK®: lead free and RoHS compliant
- Automotive Grade: compliance with AEC guidelines
- General features
- Inrush current management by active power limitation on the high-side switches
- Very low standby current
- Very low electromagnetic susceptibility
- Compliance with European directive 2002/95/EC
- Protection
- High-side drivers undervoltage shutdown
- Overvoltage clamp
- Output current limitation
- High and low-side overtemperature shutdown
- Short circuit protection
- ESD protection
- Diagnostic functions
- Proportional load current sense
- Thermal shutdown indication on both the high and low-side switches
Quad smart power solid state relay for complete H bridge configurationsActive
The VN5772AK-E is a device formed by three monolithic chips housed in a standard SO-28 package: a double high-side and two low-side switches. The double high-side is made using STMicroelectronics®VIPower®M0-5 technology, while the low-side switches are fully protected VIPower M0-5 OMNIFET III. This device is suitable to drive a DC motor in a bridge configuration as well as to be used as a quad switch for any low-voltage application. The dual high-side switches integrate built-in non latching thermal shutdown with thermal hysteresis. An output current limiter protects the device in overload conditions. In the case of long overload duration, the device limits the dissipated power to a safe level-up to thermal shutdown intervention. An analog current sense pin delivers a current proportional to the load current (according to a known ratio) and indicates overtemperature shutdown of the relevant high-side switch through a voltage flag.The low-side switches have built-in non latching thermal shutdown with thermal hysteresis, linear current limitation and overvoltage clamping. In case of long overload duration, the low-side switches limit the dissipated power to a safe level up to the thermal shutdown intervention. Fault feedback for overtemperature shutdown of the low-side switch is indicated by the relevant status pin.
Key Features
- General features
- Inrush current management by active power limitation on the high-side switches
- Very low standby current
- Very low electromagnetic susceptibility
- Compliant with European directive 2002/95/EC
- Protections
- High-side drivers under voltage shutdown
- Overvoltage clamp
- Output current limitation
- High and low-side overtemperature shutdown
- Short-circuit protection
- ESD protection
- Diagnostic functions
- Proportional load current sense
- Thermal shutdown indication on both the high and low-side switches
Circuit Diagram
Quad smart power solid state relay for complete H-bridge configurationsActive
The VN770KP-E is a device formed by three monolithic chips housed in a standard SO-28 package: a double high side and two low side switches. Both the double high side and low side switches are made using STMicroelectronics VIPower™ M0-3 Technology.
This device is suitable to drive a DC motor in a bridge configuration as well as to be used as a quad switch for any low voltage application.
The dual high side switches have built-in thermal shutdown to protect the chips from over temperature and current limiter blocks to protect the device from short circuit. Status output is provided to indicate open load in off and on-state and over temperature.
The low side switches are two OMNIFET II types (fully auto protected Power MOSFET in VIPower™ technology). They have built-in thermal shutdown, linear current limitation and overvoltage clamping. Fault feedback for thermal intervention can be detected by monitoring the voltage at the input pin.
Key Features
- ECOPACK®: lead free and RoHS compliant
- Automotive Grade: compliance with AEC guidelines
- Suited as low voltage bridge
- Linear current limitation
- Very low standby power dissipation
- Short circuit protected
- Status flag diagnostic (open drain)
- Integrated clamping circuits
- Undervoltage protection
- ESD protection
Quad smart power solid state relay for complete H-bridge configurationsActive
The VN771KP-E is a device formed by three monolithic chips housed in a standard SO-28 package: a double high side and two low side switches. Both the double high side and low side switches are made using STMicroelectronics VIPower™M0-3 Technology.
This device is suitable to drive a DC motor in a bridge configuration as well as to be used as a quad switch for any low voltage application.
The dual high side switches have built-in thermal shutdown to protect the chips from over temperature and current limiter blocks to protect the device from short circuit. Status output is provided to indicate open load in off and on-state and over temperature.
The low side switches are two OMNIFET II types (fully auto protected Power MOSFET in VIPower™technology). They have built-in thermal shutdown, linear current limitation and overvoltage clamping. Fault feedback for thermal intervention can be detected by monitoring the voltage at the input pin.
Key Features
- ECOPACK®: lead free and RoHS compliant
- Automotive Grade: compliance with AEC guidelines
- Suited as low voltage bridge
- Linear current limitation
- Very low standby power dissipation
- Short circuit protected
- Status flag diagnostic (open drain)
- Integrated clamping circuits
- Undervoltage protection
- ESD protection
Quad smart power solid state relay for complete H-bridge configurationsActive
The VN772KP-E is a device formed by three monolithic chips housed in a standard SO-28 package: a double high side and two low side switches. Both the double high side and low side switches are made using STMicroelectronics VIPower™ M0-3 Technology.
This device is suitable to drive a DC motor in a bridge configuration as well as to be used as a quad switch for any low voltage application.
The dual high side switches have built-in thermal shutdown to protect the chips from over temperature and current limiter blocks to protect the device from short circuit. Status output is provided to indicate open load in off and on-state and over temperature.
The low side switches are two OMNIFET II types (fully auto protected Power MOSFET in VIPower™ technology). They have built-in thermal shutdown, linear current limitation and overvoltage clamping. Fault feedback for thermal intervention can be detected by monitoring the voltage at the input pin.
Key Features
- ECOPACK®: lead free and RoHS compliant
- Automotive Grade: compliance with AEC guidelines
- Suited as low voltage bridge
- Linear current limitation
- Very low standby power dissipation
- Short circuit protected
- Status flag diagnostic (open drain)
- Integrated clamping circuits
- Undervoltage protection
- ESD protection
The VNH2SP30-E is a full bridge motor driver intended for a wide range of automotive applications. The device incorporates a dual monolithic high side driver and two low side switches. The high side driver switch is designed using STMicroelectronic’s well known and proven proprietary VIPower™ M0 technology which permits efficient integration on the same die of a true Power MOSFET with an intelligent signal/protection circuitry.
The low side switches are vertical MOSFETs manufactured using STMicroelectronic’s proprietary EHD (`STripFET™’) process. The three die are assembled in the MultiPowerSO-30 package on electrically isolated leadframes. This package, specifically designed for the harsh automotive environment offers improved thermal performance thanks to exposed die pads.
Moreover, its fully symmetrical mechanical design allows superior manufacturability at board level.
The input signals INA and INB can directly interface to the microcontroller to select the motor direction and the brake condition. The DIAGA/ENA or DIAGB/ENB, when connected to an external pull-up resistor, enable one leg of the bridge. They also provide a feedback digital diagnostic signal. The normal condition operation is explained in Table 12: Truth table in normal operating conditions on page 14. The motor current can be monitored with the CS pin by delivering a current proportional to its value. The speed of the motor can be controlled in all possible conditions by the PWM up to 20 kHz. In all cases, a low level state on the PWM pin will turn off both the LSA and LSB switches. When PWM rises to a high level, LSA or LSB turn on again depending on the input pin state.
Key Features
- 5V logic level compatible inputs
- Undervoltage and overvoltage shut-down
- Overvoltage clamp
- Thermal shut down
- Cross-conduction protection
- Linear current limiter
- Very low stand-by power consumption
- PWM operation up to 20 kHz
- Protection against loss of ground and loss of VCC
- Current sense output proportional to motor current
- Package: ECOPACK®
Circuit Diagram
The VNH3ASP30-E is a full-bridge motor driver intended for a wide range of automotive applications. The device incorporates a dual monolithic high-side driver (HSD) and two lowside switches. The HSD switch is designed using STMicroelectronics proprietary VIPower™ M0 technology that efficiently integrates a true Power MOSFET with an intelligent signal/protection circuit on the same die.
The low-side switches are vertical MOSFETs manufactured using STMicroelectronics proprietary EHD ("STripFET™") process.The three circuits are assembled in a MultiPowerSO- 30 package on electrically isolated lead frames.
This package, specifically designed for the harsh automotive environment, offers improved thermal performance thanks to exposed die pads.
Moreover, its fully symmetrical mechanical design provides superior manufacturability at board level.
The input signals INA and INB can directly interface with the microcontroller to select the motor direction and the brake condition. Pins DIAGA/ENA or DIAGB/ENB, when connected to an external pull-up resistor, enable one leg of the bridge. They also provide a feedback digital diagnostic signal. The CS pin monitors the motor current by delivering a current proportional to its value. The speed of the motor can be controlled in all possible conditions by the PWM up to 20 kHz. In all cases, a low level state on the PWM pin will turn off both the LSA and LSB switches. When PWM rises to a high level, LSA or LSB turn on again depending on the input pin state.
Key Features
- 5V logic level compatible inputs
- Undervoltage and overvoltage shutdown
- Overvoltage clamp
- Thermal shut down
- Cross-conduction protection
- Linear current limiter
- Very low standby power consumption
- PWM operation up to 20 kHz
- Protection against loss of ground and loss of VCC
- Current-sense output proportional to motor current
- Package: ECOPACK®
Circuit Diagram
The VNH3SP30-E is a full-bridge motor driver intended for a wide range of automotive applications. The device incorporates a dual monolithic high-side driver (HSD) and two low-side switches. The HSD switch is designed using STMicroelectronics proprietary VIPower™ M0-3 technology that efficiently integrates a true Power MOSFET with an intelligent signal/protection circuit on the same die.
The low-side switches are vertical MOSFETs manufactured using STMicroelectronics proprietary EHD (“STripFET™”) process.The three circuits are assembled in a MultiPowerSO-30 package on electrically isolated lead frames. This package, specifically designed for the harsh automotive environment, offers improved thermal performance thanks to exposed die pads. Moreover, its fully symmetrical mechanical design provides superior manufacturability at board level. The input signals INA and INB can directly interface with the microcontroller to select the motor direction and the brake condition. Pins DIAGA/ENA or DIAGB /ENB, when connected to an external pull-up resistor, enable one leg of the bridge. They also provide a feedback digital diagnostic signal. The normal condition operation is explained in The speed of the motor can be controlled in all possible conditions by the PWM up to kHz. In all cases, a low level state on the PWM pin will turn off both the LSAand LSB switches. When PWM rises to a high level, LSA or LSB turn on again depending on the input pin state.
Key Features
- Output current: 30A
- 5V logic level compatible inputs
- Undervoltage and overvoltage shutdown
- Overvoltage clamp
- Thermal shut down
- Cross-conduction protection
- Linear current limiter
- Very low standby power consumption
- PWM operation up to 10 kHz
- Protection against loss of ground and loss of VCC
- Package: ECOPACK®
Circuit Diagram
Automotive fully integrated H-bridge motor driverActive
The VHN5019A-E is a full bridge motor driver intended for a wide range of automotive applications. The device incorporates a dual monolithic high-side drivers and two low-side switches. The high-side driver switch is designed using STMicroelectronics’ well known and proven proprietary VIPower®M0 technology that allows to efficiently integrate on the same die a true Power MOSFET with an intelligent signal/protection circuit.
The three dice are assembled in MultiPowerSO-30 package on electrically isolated lead-frames. This package, specifically designed for the harsh automotive environment offers improved thermal performance thanks to exposed die pads. The input signals INAand INBcan directly interface to the microcontroller to select the motor direction and the brake condition.
The DIAGA/ENAor DIAGB/ENB, when connected to an external pull-up resistor, enable one leg of the bridge. They also provide a feedback digital diagnostic signal. The CS pin allows to monitor the motor current by delivering a current proportional to its value when CS_DIS pin is driven low or left open. The PWM, up to 20 KHz, lets us to control the speed of the motor in all possible conditions. In all cases, a low-level state on the PWM pin turns-off both the LSAand LSBswitches. When PWM rises to a high-level, LSAor LSBturn-on again depending on the input pin state.
Output current limitation and thermal shutdown protects the concerned high-side in short to ground condition.
The short to battery condition is revealed by the overload detector or by thermal shutdown that latches off the relevant low-side.
Active VCCpin voltage clamp protects the device against low energy spikes in all configurations for the motor.
CP pin provides the necessary gate drive for an external n-channel PowerMOS used for reverse polarity protection.
Key Features
- ECOPACK®: lead free and RoHS compliant
- Automotive Grade: compliance with AEC guidelines
- Output current: 30 A
- 3 V CMOS compatible inputs
- Undervoltage and overvoltage shutdown
- High-side and low-side thermal shutdown
- Cross-conduction protection
- Current limitation
- Very low standby power consumption
- PWM operation up to 20 khz
- Protection against:
- Loss of ground and loss of VCC
- Current sense output proportional to motor current
- Charge pump output for reverse polarity protection
- Output protected against short to ground and short to VCC
Circuit Diagram
Automotive fully integrated H-bridge motor driverActive
The VNH5050A-E is a full bridge motor driver intended for a wide range of automotive applications. The device incorporates a dual monolithic high-side driver and two low-side switches. All switches are designed using STMicroelectronics®well known and proven proprietary VIPower®M0 technology that allows to efficiently integrate on the same die a true Power MOSFET with an intelligent signal/protection circuitry. The three dies are assembled in a PowerSSO-36 TP package on electrically isolated lead frames. This package, specifically designed for the harsh automotive environment offers improved thermal performance thanks to exposed die pads. Moreover, its fully symmetrical mechanical design allows superior manufacturability at board level. The input signals INAand INBcan directly interface to the microcontroller to select the motor direction and the brake condition. The DIAGA/ENAor DIAGB/ENB, when connected to an external pull-up resistor, enables one leg of the bridge. Each DIAGA/ENAprovides a digital diagnostic feedback signal as well. The normal operating condition is explained in the truth table. The CS pin allows monitoring the motor current by delivering a current proportional to its value when CS_DIS pin is driven low or left open. When CS_DIS is driven high, CS pin is in high impedance condition. The PWM, up to 20 KHz, allows to control the speed of the motor in all possible conditions. In all cases, a low level state on the PWM pin turns off both the LSAand LSBswitches.
Key Features
- Output current: 30 A
- 3 V CMOS compatible inputs
- Undervoltage and overvoltage shutdown
- Overvoltage clamp
- Thermal shutdown
- Cross-conduction protection
- Current and power limitation
- Very low standby power consumption
- PWM operation up to 20 KHz
- Protection against loss of ground and loss of VCC
- Current sense output proportional to motor current
- Output protected against short to ground and short to VCC
- Package: ECOPACK®
Circuit Diagram
Automotive fully integrated H-bridge motor driverActive
The VNH5180A-E is a full bridge motor driver intended for a wide range of automotive applications. The device incorporates a dual monolithic high-side driver and two low-side switches. Both switches are designed using STMicroelectronics’ well known and proven proprietary VIPower®M0 technology that allows to efficiently integrate on the same die a true Power MOSFET with an intelligent signal/protection circuitry. The three dies are assembled in PowerSSO-36 TP package on electrically isolated leadframes. This package, specifically designed for the harsh automotive environment offers improved thermal performance thanks to exposed die pads. Moreover, its fully symmetrical mechanical design allows superior manufacturability at board level. The input signals INAand INBcan directly interface to the microcontroller to select the motor direction and the brake condition. The DIAGA/ENAor DIAGB/ENB, when connected to an external pull-up resistor, enables one leg of the bridge. Each DIAGA/ENAprovides a feedback digital diagnostic signal as well. The normal operating condition is explained in the truth table. The CS pin allows to monitor the motor current by delivering a current proportional to its value when CS_DIS pin is driven low or left open. When CS_DIS is driven high, CS pin is in high impedance condition. The PWM, up to 20 KHz, allows to control the speed of the motor in all possible conditions. In all cases, a low level state on the PWM pin turns off both the LSAand LSBswitches.
Key Features
- Output current: 8 A
- 3 V CMOS compatible inputs
- Undervoltage shutdown
- Overvoltage clamp
- Thermal shutdown
- Cross-conduction protection
- Current and power limitation
- Very low standby power consumption
- PWM operation up to 20 KHz
- Protection against loss of ground and loss of VCC
- Current sense output proportional to motor current
- Output protected against short to ground and short to VCC
- Package: ECOPACK®
Circuit Diagram
Automotive fully integrated H-bridge motor driverPreview
The VNH5200AS-E is a full bridge motor driver intended for a wide range of automotive applications. The device incorporates a dual monolithic high-side driver and two low-side switches.
Both switches are designed using STMicroelectronics’ well known and proven proprietary VIPower®M0 technology that allows to efficiently integrate on the same die a true Power MOSFET with an intelligent signal/protection circuitry. The three dies are assembled in SO-16N package on electrically isolated leadframes. Moreover, its fully symmetrical mechanical design allows superior manufacturability at board level. The input signals INAand INBcan directly interface to the microcontroller to select the motor direction and the brake condition. The DIAGA/ENAor DIAGB/ENB, when connected to an external pull-up resistor, enables one leg of the bridge. Each DIAGA/ENAprovides a feedback digital diagnostic signal as well. The normal operating condition is explained in the truth table. The CS pin allows to monitor the motor current by delivering a current proportional to its value.
Key Features
- Automotive qualified
- Output current: 8 A
- 3 V CMOS-compatible inputs
- Undervoltage shutdown
- Overvoltage clamp
- Thermal shutdown
- Cross-conduction protection
- Current and power limitation
- Very low standby power consumption
- Protection against loss of ground and loss of VCC
- Current sense output proportional to motor current
- Output protected against short to ground and short to VCC
- Package: ECOPACK®
Automotive integrated H-bridgeActive
The VNH7013XP-E is an automotive integrated H-bridge intended for a wide range of automotive applications driving DC motors. The device incorporates a dual channel and two single channel MOSFETs. All the devices are designed using STMicroelectronics®well known and proven proprietary VIPower®M0-S7 technology that allows to integrate in a package four different channels in H-bridge topology.
This package, specifically designed for the harsh automotive environment offers improved thermal performance thanks to exposed die pads. Moreover, its fully symmetrical mechanical design allows superior manufacturability at board level.
Key Features
- Maximum VCCvoltage: 72 V
- 10 V compatible inputs
- RDS(on)per leg: 13 mΩ typical
- Embedded thermal sensor: -8.1 mV/°K
- Very low stray inductance in power line
Automotive fully integrated H-bridge motor driverPreview
The VNH7070AS-E is a full bridge motor driver intended for a wide range of automotive applications. The device incorporates a dual monolithic high-side driver and two low-side switches.
Both switches are designed using STMicroelectronics’ well known and proven proprietary VIPower®M0 technology that allows to efficiently integrate on the same die a true Power MOSFET with an intelligent signal/protection circuitry. The three dies are assembled in SO-16N package on electrically isolated leadframes.
Moreover, its fully symmetrical mechanical design allows superior manufacturability at board level. The input signals INAand INBcan directly interface to the microcontroller to select the motor direction and the brake condition. A SEL0 pin is available to address to the microcontroller the information available on the MultiSense. The MultiSense pin allows to monitor the motor current by delivering a current proportional to the motor current value. The normal operating condition is explained in the truth table.
The PWM, up to 20 KHz, allows to control the speed of the motor in all possible conditions. In all cases, a low level state on the PWM pin turns off both the LSAand LSBswitches.
Key Features
- Output current: 15 A
- 3 V CMOS-compatible inputs
- Undervoltage shutdown
- Overvoltage clamp
- Thermal shutdown
- Cross-conduction protection
- Current and power limitation
- Very low standby power consumption
- Protection against loss of ground and loss of VCC
- PWM operation up to 20 KHz
- MultiSense diagnostic functions
- Analog motor current feedback
- Output short to ground detection
- Thermal shutdown indication
- OFF-state open-load detection
- Output short to VCCdetection
- Output protected against short to ground and short to VCC
- Standby Mode
- Half Bridge Operation
- Package: ECOPACK®
Please do Comments for further improvements. Yet there are many more ICs which are used to drive Motors. All the above ICs are made by STMicroelectronics
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